SCHEDULING AND PAYMENTS FOR VISITATIONS ARE TAKEN CARE OF BY THE INDIVIDUAL IN CUSTODY. Click here for more information on how to fund a trust account for an IDOC individual in custody.
Visitation Rules & Information
IDOC is transitioning its phone service to a new vendor. Please read more details and instructions to prepare here.
Menard CC is transitioning its video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. More information is available here.
MENARD CORRECTIONAL CENTER: Menard CC is transitioning its video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. Starting on February 20, 2025, Friends and family can register with ICSolutions to schedule visits with individuals at Menard CC. When registering for your ICSolutions account, we recommend entering your GTL Visitor ID to expedite the approval process. More information on ICSolutions video visitation is available here.
SHAWNEE CORRECTIONAL CENTER: Shawnee CC will begin its video visitation transition on February 24, 2025.
ALL OTHER FACILITIES: All other facilities are using GTL for video visits. Friends and families continue to use GTL for video visits. Do not register with ICSolutions for video visits. We will provide an update when other facilities are switching from GTL to ICSolutions.
See helpful links and information located below.
Video Visitation - Visit from a personal Windows® computer, Android™ device, or iOS™ device
- Visitors wishing to participate in Video visitation are required to download and test the visitation application from their Windows ® computer, Android™ device, or iOS™ device (iPhone® or iPad®) before they will be able to join a visitation.
- For Video visitation, the visitor can choose to visit from a computer or alternatively from any Android™ device by downloading The Visitor™ Android™ app, ICS MOBILE from the Google Play store, or any iOS™ device by downloading the iOS™ app, ICS MOBILE from the App Store by searching ICSolutions.
Create a new account/register for visitation
⇒ To create an account, register for visitation, or connect an offsite visit from your computer, click here.
⇒ How to Create an ICSolutions® account: To learn how to create an account, click here.
⇒ Register for Visitation if You Have an Existing ICSolutions® Account: To register for visitation if you have an existing ICSolutions® account, please see Register for Visitation.
⇒ Offsite Windows® computer application: To download the application to conduct offsite visits from your Windows® computer, please click here.
⇒ Android™ device application: To download the Android™ app, please click here.
⇒ iOS™ device application: To download the iOS™ app from the App Store via your iPhone® or iPad®, please click here.
⇒ Offsite visitation help for Windows® computers: For instructions on how to set up your Windows® computer for an offsite visit click here.
⇒ Offsite visitation help for Android™ or iOS™ devices: For instructions on how to set up your Android™ or iOS™ device for an offsite visit click here.